Pojavom korona krize naša svakodnevica se konstantno mijenjala te smo bili primorani prilagoditi svoje životne navike svakoj novoj situaciji. Dolaskom ljeta i pojavom takozvanih Covid potvrda napokon nam se otvorila mogućnost pohađanja raznih društvenih i sportskih manifestacija koje su nam toliko nedostajale u prethodnom razdoblju. Ukoliko ste pohodili određeni događaj na kojem je bilo potrebno testirati se na ulazu utoliko ste vjerojatno primijetili kako djelatnici koji testiraju posjetitelje ručno upisuju informacije u sustav što je ponekad stvaralo redove i dodatnu gužvu na ulazu.
Zašto bi korisnici nepotrebno čekali u redovima i stvarali dodatnu gužvu kada se izdavanje potvrde može pojednostaviti i odraditi sa svega nekoliko klikova?
Kako bi olakšali administraciju djelatnicima koji vrše testiranje i unos podataka razvili smo platformu imena – Test4covid. Test4covid je digitalna platforma putem koje možete značajno ubrzati, olakšati i automatizirati provođenje brzih ili pcr testova za covid-19. Osim što olakšava krajnjim korisnicima čekanje u redovima te ih spašava od nepotrebnog gubitka vremena, ova platforma je vrlo jednostavna za korištenje svim korisnicima, kako posjetiteljima događaja tako i zdravstvenim djelatnicima.
Na početku se kreira QR kod za pojedini event. Svi korisnici koji dođu na određeno testiranje vrlo jednostavno skeniranjem QR koda otvaraju prijavnicu za testiranje i ispunjavaju svoje osobne podatke koji će automatski biti vidljivi unutar aplikacije. Na ovaj način se izbjegava prepisivanje osobnih podataka, mogućnost pogreške, a procedura prijave je potpuno ubrzana. Nakon izvršenog testiranja jednim klikom dodijeli se korisniku već predefinirani rezultat testa (pozitivan ili negativan), a potrebno je samo kliknuti rezultat testiranja te se automatski kreira nalaz sa svim potrebnim podacima ustanove po standardima koji se može jednim klikom poslati korisniku putem e-maila, preuzeti u PDF obliku ili odmah isprintati iz sustava. Time je administrativan posao liječničkog tima minimaliziran te nema potrebe za zasebnim slanjem digitalne potvrde svakom pojedinačnom korisniku na mail. Vrijeme čekanja korisnika na potvrde je smanjeno, kao i potreba za većim brojem djelatnika liječničkog tima. Nakon završenog kruga testiranja, postoji mogućnost unosa svih testiranih korisnika u HZZO sustav jednim klikom. Ne mora se više unositi jednog po jednog korisnika.
Povratne informacije svih poliklinika koje koriste našu platformu su odlične. Pomoću ove platforme ubrzali su sve procese vezane za testiranja, a zahvaljujući platformi proširili su testiranja na više lokacija jer je potreban manji broj djelatnika na svakoj lokaciji.
Kao primjer učinkovitosti ove platforme možemo navesti koncert poznate klape koji se održao prethodnog vikenda, na kojemu je prisustvovalo preko 500 posjetitelja, a nijedan od njih nije čekao duže od petnajstak minuta na svoju potvrdu.
Povećajte i vi svoju učinkovitost testiranja. Neka posjetitelji dođu na testiranje već prijavljeni, a rezultat istog neka ne čekaju duže od nekoliko minuta. Izbjegnite negodovanje gostiju zbog velikih redova ispred ulaza. Ubrzajte sam postupak dobivanja nalaza testiranja putem automatiziranih i unaprijed određenih procesa. Postanite korisnici naše platforme te brzinom i optimizacijom samih testiranja povećajte zadovoljstvo svojih gostiju.
Saznajte više na: https://test4covid.eu/
Quality interactive website is designed and engineered to anticipate user behaviour and supported by smart functionality in the service of business strategy and customer needs.
Besides that we want to make sure that your search engine visibility is optimized correctly so not that we only care about excellent content and design, we also take care about things "under the hood."
A strong and recognizable brand which tells a story, reflects your beliefs and gets your message over to your customers clearly — no matter how big is your business you need this.
Through our process of brand positioning, we uncover what your customers can and do think of you, and you alone. Then we use that to show you how to use that thinking in a way that’s relevant to your audiences and can benefit your customers and you.
You still think that social media marketing is writing posts and posting pictures, trust us it is way more beyond that. To connect the customer with the brand is one of the most difficult task — social media are the ideal platform to reach a large number of customers and connect online and offline marketing.
In this aspect applications like our Wheel of fortune are the excellent tool to raise brand awareness, comprehend customer in what you offer and at the same time add value that will attract them into purchasing your product. Spin our Wheel of fortune and see what we are talking about.
I am the boss!
The one who has the last word, the big guy in our small team. Matej makes sure that all of the clients are satisfied, he leads the company's long-term strategic vision of working with organizations, consumer brands, start-ups and community-based organizations, helping each realize the potential of the Internet and its impact on their business. He makes sure his employees are satisfied, joyful and he provides positive working atmosphere. Note to everybody — he hates to be called Boss.
Matej Beribak | CEOI know H.T.M.L.
Young professional with an eye for a nice design and practical ideas. He strives to create and execute user-centered, data-driven experiences across digital channels. Except UI and UX design, he is also passionate about photography, capturing interesting moments in a right time is what he is best in! Word traveler with a sense for good food and drinks.
Siniša Plevnik | UI DesignerSee beauty in everything.
People are visual creatures, they like what is nice to see. Tanja helps your brand get the visual identity that will catch attention and admiration. She makes structure and beauty from all disordered ideas. One of her quotes: "Until it's not perfect, it's not done!" Sometimes it’s hard to meet her high criteria, but at the end her designs are impeccable and that is what she strikes for! Except being beautiful, she is flawless as well as her work.
Tanja Dujmović | Graphinc DesignerLet's get social!
You have something to say, but don't know how to express yourself? Melani has a word for it, You can be sure of that. Writing blogs, columns and posts still don't leave her without a word. Creating quality content and building communities on social media networks is something that, in her own words, she doesn't see as a job but more as a lifestyle. When she is not writing, probably she is baking cakes, her second biggest passion. She has a sweet tooth as we so far have not seen.
Melani Martinić | Content ManagerBig Superhero!
The big kid making sure that everything "under the hood" works smoothly. During the day professional back end developer with amazing ideas and innovations, but during the night he becomes a real warrior in world of tanks. We still don’t know exactly when he sleeps, but we guess superheroes don’t sleep.
Branimir Đurek | Back-end DeveloperCoffee, coffee, coffee!
You think something is impossible to be done, please contact Marko, we still didn't find a thing he couldn't do. Perfectly working back-end development is a piece of cake for him, but besides that he is always here for constructing lamps, fixing cars, mobile phones, killing spiders and lot more. You just need to give him a lot of coffee, tell him what you need and watch him do his magic.
Marko Vušak | Back-end DeveloperJust ask me!
They say women know everything. Now imagine a woman who is a Google specialist, scared now? No need to, our Nives just makes sure you get the most out of Google's services. Google Adwords, Google Analytics, SEO and SEM are her thing. If you want to make sure You will appear on the first site in Google search don't hesitate to call her for help. Except that Nives is a young mom who enjoys spending time in nature. Young, urban and hardworking that's our Nives.
Nives Radman | Google SpecialistWant to become part of our team?
Contact us and maybe your picture will be here. CV, video, motivational letter or anything You think represents You the best, send us via mail and help us get to know You. We are waiting!
Aplitap teamCompany info